
Showing posts from August, 2018

Adding Chickens to our Farm

I talked my husband into getting chickens this spring, instead of waiting until next year. He must love me a lot to put up with me. He has regretted getting them ever since. He was working close to the feed store that we had visited a few weeks ago and I knew they had them. I was holding on to hope that they still had some left, and they did! We paid 50 cent more for them because they were already about 5 weeks old and their feathers had come in.. worth it to not have to buy a brooder!! While Edward went  to pick them up, I hurried to Tractor Supply to get everything I would need. We housed them in Jesse’s pack-n-play until we could get them a permanent home outside! Jesse and our dog, Oakley, loved watching them explore their temporary home. I have done so much research since the day we got the chicks that I could probably graduate with a Google and Pinterest degree in chickens. Edward has been a trooper building two different chicken coop/runs for me!  I have spent a lot