
Showing posts from April, 2019

Potty Training A Toddler

this post contains affiliate links August 2018 started a new journey in the Greene household. We started watching a 21 month old in our home every day while also raising our one year old. Two wild boys in our house has been the biggest blessing, and challenge, I’ve ever took on. When the boy we watched turned two, his mom introduced a potty to him and I quickly researched and purchased this little potty  to sit next to ours for him to use while he was here. When our little boy took an interest after watching his older friend attempt to potty train, I purchased this potty seat  that is the same awesome brand to put on top of the original toilet seat. After 6 months of inconsistent potty trips for practice and no real strict schedule training, I decided I was really tired of cleaning really gross #2 diapers and decided to take a different approach. If you have a toddler, you know as well as I do that you can tell when they are pooping... they run off to their own place (often the