Follower of Christ. Wife. Mama

Starting this new journey in blogging as I adventure through this new chapter of life that started 9 months ago with the birth of our first son. Today, we have a sweet and curious baby who is on the verge of crawling and walking. After reading my share of what seems like hundreds of mom blogs, I can tell myself I have parenting figured out. I can start my own mom blog!

Public Service Announcement: I do not have parenting figured out and never will. This is not a mom blog.

What I did learn from my endless searches on Google and scrolls through Baby Center chat is that I worried way to much. I also needed to do some major self reflection. Where are my priorities? .

1. Mama- I was definitely putting motherhood first on the list. It's kind of hard not to when you have a newborn in the house who is so dependent on you.

2. Wife- I quit my part-time job when I became mama to Jesse. Having a Godly husband who works hard to provide and lead our home is such a blessing. His willingness to go above and beyond to provide so I can stay home and raise our child is something I am so thankful for. Busy schedules and babies have limited our time together, but being a wife was still number two on the priority list because of my service to him in our home. Whether that is doing laundry, dishes, cooking supper; I was doing all of that to serve my husband.

3. Christ- I grew up in a Christian home and was saved at a young age. My journey of Faith has been an adventure of ups and downs, but I serve a God who never changes and has great plans for me in every season of life. A plan to make His name known to a lost and dying world

In each new chapter of life I find new purpose in Christ. The new chapter of being a mama and housewife was something I had dreamed of doing since high school. Something I had prayed about many years. Here I was, diving head first into my new role without going to the one who brought me here.
My need for control is great, but Christ is greater. He knows how use my selfish ideas to reveal the failure and brokenness of my heart apart from Him and His plan.

My priorities were out of order, causing worry and doubt to creep in. Making me feel like a worthless mama and wife, even though I was putting everything into being the best mama and wife I could possibly be.

I can not be any of these things without Christ.

My priorities are changing with the help of many online sermons full of truth from God's Word, reading scripture, lots of prayer, and accountability.

Wives and mamas, Here is how I challenge you to set your priorities:

1. Follower of Jesus Christ- All I have is Christ

2. Wife- As marriage is a reflection of the marriage between Christ and His church, So I must devote myself completely to my husband, second only to my relationship with Christ.

3. Mama- Psalm 127 tells us that children are a blessing from the Lord, but the title of this Psalm in my Bible says “Unless the LORD Builds the House". We dedicate our children to Christ, knowing they are HIS children given to us raise for such a short time.


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