Memory Quilts

Through the winter I made a total of 10 quilts. These quilts were made out of precious fabrics into patchwork quilts. It is so special for me to be able to create something to hold memories for others to cherish. Some hold memories of past sport teams, loved ones who have passed away, or old baby clothes.

After taking all of this time to make these quilts for others, I realized I never made a quilt for myself! For Christmas I was gifted a quilt top from an antique store that needed to be finished, so I took this opportunity to make some memories of my own!

As Jesse naps, I stitch away on my homemade quilting frame my husband lovingly put together for my as a birthday gift. I listen to sermons online as I work. (usually John Piper or Voddie Baucham) It is a good quiet time with God as I accomplish work in our little home.

I have a passion for marriage sermons/ sermons about family life, so this is usually what I end up listening to. (I will link some of my favorites in future posts if anyone is interested!) In this season of life as a mother and wife, I must long for Christ and realize my failures as a human and need for a Savior. Most of these marriage sermons are based in Ephesians or Genesis, and I'm trying to expand my horizons so I can get more from God's Word in other passages.

Our pastor uploads his sermons on Vimeo, which is a God send to this young mom whose child never lasts through the entire sermon. Jesse and I spend mornings listening to our church worship and today was Judges 19... and man, read that chapter to just imagine how in the world you can make a sermon out of that!

The Depths of Depravity was the title, and the point is to lament over the lostness of the world.

After listening I realized how much I love staying in my own little bubble. I avoid looking at the world because of my sensitivity to lostness.

My heart doesn't want to hurt for a world that is lost. To realize the ugliness of a sinful world.

My heart wants to love everyone and tell them everything is going to be okay.

Everything is NOT going to be okay for all those who are living apart from Jesus Christ. God does love all things He created, but He is also a Just God and cannot hold back his wrath on sinners.

Enter Jesus Christ

Only through Christ can we have redemption from our sins. It's only through Christ living and breathing through our lives that allows God look upon us and love us.

Quilting has been an avenue to bring me closer to Christ by giving me alone time with Him. I encourage each of us to find something we are passionate about and enjoy doing and find a way to incorporate God's Words into that time as well!

I finished the quilt for myself and had a photo session in our front yard with a cute little boy!!


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