A Time to Pray

Taking the time to pray has become a new challenge and journey in my faith. Life with a 10 month old who never stops moving unless he’s asleep doesn’t give much time for anything! I used to pray during my morning drive to work. I would pray over the new day the Lord had given as I seek to serve Him. Now, instead of a quiet drive, I am awaken to a cooing babe and cheeping chicks to feed and change and prepare for a new day. I wouldn’t trade this time in my life for any other, and I am seeking new moments of time to spend in prayer. Believe it or not, I do still get a few quiet moments! The real challenge lies in whether I make the most of these moments to spend time with God instead of checking off my to-do list.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:15-17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I must work to find the will of the Lord in each new day. The best way I can do this is by spending time with Him. It is easy to listen to sermons and scripture while I am working to complete tasks, but multitasking is not giving God my full attention. Giving Christ my full attention through worship, prayer and reading His Word is the only way I can draw nearer to Him.

Making time for prayer- Infant Mom Schedule

After completing a list of small tasks, I sit down during baby’s first nap time (around 8am) and devote that time to worship and prayer until baby wakes up. Once they are awake, I find a sermon online that we can watch together.

Before writing prayer requests, I make a to-do list for the day. I don’t make this list to focus on all I have to get done, but to clear my head so I am ready to devote more of my mind and heart to Christ instead of getting distracted by life’s demands.

I find a lot of my scripture passages from sermon references, devotionals, or conversations with my husband about what he is reading. This morning prayer time is a time to expound upon those verses in scripture.

Reading scripture will almost always make me think of a song. When I think of a song, I immediately look it up and play it. It’s a private worship session with Christ as the only audience.

By now, and as I type this, babe is waking up. My heart is full and ready to take on a new day!


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