Summer on the Homestead

This summer we have been busy chasing a crawling baby around while trying to keep up with the garden. Our half runner green beans seem to be growing about 2 bushel a week! For those who are unfamiliar with a bushel, that’s a lot of picking, stringin and cannin! I couldn’t have done it without my mom’s help and those who were gracious enough to buy a few bushels from us!

The chickens are growing so much and should be laying eggs by the beginning of September. We have four Rhode Island Red hens. I anticipate opening my nesting box, which now sits on my front porch, and seeing little brown eggs ready for the frying pan.

I have a couple of pet cows who return for the apples off our of tree, along with leftover corn husks, cobs, and squash. My sunflowers have been my own little haven which I escape to once Jesse goes down for the night. As they die out the chickens love feasting on their seeds... free treats!

Speaking of Jesse, he is now one year old and not a baby anymore. He is so close to walking and I look forward to the day he is running around our homestead just as much as put it off to cherish each moment I have to cuddle him and call him my baby.


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