Family Worship

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Growing up in a Christian home is a great privilege and we are thankful for our parents who have trained us up as children in the way we should go, so that we shall not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). Family worship is a new and trying concept for us. New because we did not grow up with a consistent routine of family worship. Trying because we are a new family with an 18 month old toddler and busy schedules.

This book has given us guidelines in our family worship and I would suggest it to any brave parent who is ready to be humbled and challenged in their faith and child rearing.

 This book is our foundation for breakfast worship time as we strive to study catechism with a 18 month old. I would definitely recommend this book for 2 year olds and beyond!

Spending time in The Word of God

I splurged this Christmas and added this Family Worship Bible Commentary to Edward’s Christmas gifts from me. It has been a super helpful commentary for family worship in studying God’s Word together.

After supper is when we spend time digging into God’s Word. We have often let the stresses of children impact of afternoon worship, which resorted in evening worship as a couple after the kids have gone to bed. We are hoping to integrate our children into our Bible time as a discipline and training opportunity. This will show them what worship looks like and how we are to act during worship and the reading of God’s Word. I like to have them a Bible of their own, no matter the age!
We plan to use This Bible with our toddler and it can work for any age.

We hope they can be a help to you as you begin family worship. Our best advice to you is to just start doing it! Start a book in the Bible and read through it with a good commentary for deeper study.


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