On The Farm

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Grandpa Greene was the beginning of our farm. I am so inspired by the people from the past generations. Hard work was expected and they reaped many blessings from their labor.

The land we live and farm on was inherited. An old farmhouse, a few old barns, and the structure of a greenhouse still remain as a memory we hope to restore over our lifetime.

 As of now, we live in a double wide that we put on some of the pasture after we got married. It has been the perfect place for new projects to build our homestead. We have added a garden and chickens to the 4 acres that we call home.

We plowed out a garden plot last spring with the tractor. Then used a tiller for upkeep. I also love using this manual tiller for weed maintenance when Edward is too busy to work the tiller and I can’t man-handle it. We got a lot of produce last summer and can’t wait to get back out in the garden this year.

Our chickens have been a whole new journey for us on the farm. Edward manages the beef cows, so I feel like this is something I can manage and plan to grow into a farm business on my own. Be on the lookout for chicks and eggs for sell.. and much more!


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